Ductless Air Conditioning Repair is Usually Fast and Easy to Accomplish.
Ductless air conditioning systems are becoming a very popular choice for cooling homes, apartments and even some commercial buildings. These systems and easier and less invasive to install than a traditional air conditioning system. When they break down, repairs can be completed in a snap. If you need ductless air conditioning repair, the staff at Mission Critical Comfort Solutions is here to help. We offer professional installation services for many different types of air conditioning systems.
Do You Need Ductless Air Conditioning Repair
Your ductless air conditioner is an important part of your home, especially in the dog days of summer. This is why it is important to schedule regular maintenance and pay attention to the signs pointing towards a problem with your ductless air conditioning system.
Broken Remote
Every ductless unit has a remote. If yours isn’t working, be sure to check the sensor in both the remote and the air unit, and change the batteries in the remote. If this doesn’t fix the problem, it could mean you have an electrical problem in the unit.
Dripping Water
Your ductless air conditioning units have a drain hose that can become clogged. When this happens, it can result in a small leak and water dripping out of the unit. This is a definite sign that you need ductless air conditioning repair.
Broken Fan
There is a fan in the unit outside that keeps the motor cool and provides fresh air for the entire system. If this fan stops running or is making loud, unusual sounds, it could result in many different problems throughout the system.
If you’re seeing any of these signs, or feel like you need an inspection to determine if you need ductless air conditioning repair, contact our office at 478-960-5825.